Either way you can set your schedule up for the week on what auctions you wish to attend. Sometimes you'll have schedule conflicts and will have to make that tough decision on which one you will actually attend. This doesn't happen to often but it does happen. Visit the auction house website to look at pictures of items they will be selling. Most auction house's have website sites now and it really helps me in my decision making process on whether to attend or not.
My husband and I went to an auction a few weeks ago that we had never attended before. At first glance, most of the items looked to be real "junque". But we had gotten there fairly early and were able to take some time to really inspect all the furniture and box lots. Our decision to stay was a good one because my husband was high bidder on two items that he really wanted and I did pretty well on a few things that were on my list. Plus, they had the best pie and coffee {grin} which ended up being our dinner.
Back to finding auctions..there is a wonderful website you can plug your zip code into and it will list auctions near you. Try www.auctionzip.com the next time you get the bug to attend an auction. Not every auction house uses this but it will lead you to the auctioneer's website if they have one and help you map the location if you are unsure. Nice resource!
Until next time, happy hunting!
My Best,
Victoria's Curio
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